Star and Planetary Formation – Creation Perspective

Posted on Aug 12, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 2 comments

  Creation Answer: In order for stars to start forming, there must be gas clouds that can be compressed. The possibilities for compression can be: a nearby supernova (exploding star), dust grains from a supernova that cool and compress the gas cloud, colliding gas clouds, like galaxies colliding, black holes, which may emit jets of high-speed material that will compress the gas cloud, or radiation from other nearby stars may compress the gas cloud.   In each of...

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Star and Planetary Formation – Naturalistic/Evolutionary Perspective

Posted on Aug 8, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 2 comments

  Introduction: There are countless stars in the universe and with each star, there could be many planets. How do stars form? How do rocky planets form and how do gas planets form? What causes stars and planets to form? Have we observed any form? How often should a star be born? How does this evidence affect the age estimates of our universe?   Naturalistic/Evolutionary Answer: “In the Milky Way today the average annual star formation rate is ten solar masses,” but it...

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Similar Worldwide Rock Layers: What do they really tell us? Creation Perspective

Posted on Dec 27, 2013 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 4 comments

  Creation Answer: “Evolutionists and creationists agree: the ideal conditions for forming most fossils and fossil-bearing rock layers are flood conditions. The debate is just whether it was many “little floods” over a long time, or mostly the one big Flood of Noah’s time.”[i] Go out and find a piece of concrete and try bending it. This is one of the problems for old rock layers all over the world, in that hardened rock will crack and break when pushed or pulled. But...

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Population Estimates – A Major Problem for Evolution

Posted on Oct 1, 2013 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

  When Mary Jo and I were at Northern Illinois University giving Creation programs, a student asked how it was even possible that the 8 people who got off the ark could have reproduced enough offspring to account for the population during the short duration from the Flood to the Exodus, led by Moses, out of Egypt. Actually there is no issue for Biblical timeframes, but instead, population studies pose a huge issue for evolutionary assumptions. Using the average...

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Economic Crunch

Posted on Jul 1, 2011 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

This last week we were to teach at the 3rd camp at IdRaHaJe, working with High school age campers. Unfortunately, one of the groups that normally bring youth in from Utah had to cancel because of economics … fuel prices are just too high. Just before we headed out the door to return up to the camp, after a short 2 days home between camps, the director called with the news that they had to cancel the High school camp for financial reasons. Since we had to return to the camp...

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Aching for Real — Crying for Truth!

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I had just given a presentation to a Sunday school class in Austin, Texas. My topic was “How Can You Believe the Bible in Light of the ‘Facts’ of Evolution?” Pretending to be an atheist professor, I hit the young adults with a barrage of “proofs” for evolution and other arguments for why the Bible could not be trusted. Switching gears, I then tore apart many of those arguments showing that they were totally false or misleading even though they came right out of textbooks or...

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Camp IdRaHaJe West – Week 2

Posted on Jun 29, 2011 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Marilyn and I spent another week at Camp IdRaHaJe West above Paonia, CO. This week we taught Creation to the Middle School Camp (6th – 9th Grade) of 60 campers, 12 counselors, and numerous other staff. We had another very exciting week. As at the Junior Camp, we had a mixture of church-going kids, non-churched kids, and kids coming from churches where the Bible is not taught. The Holy Spirit was really evident at this camp …we had 30 campers put their faith and trust in...

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Congratulations Sandra

Posted on Jun 28, 2011 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

We were truly blessed recently in celebrating the high school graduation of our daughter, Sandra. The years have passed so quickly.  She was a very diligent student in her homeschool studies and we have enjoyed educating her these past six years. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the fellowship of family and friends attending the open house.  We were even blessed to have some family travel all the way from Minnesota for the event.  Sandra plans to attend Cornerstone...

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Camp IdRaHaJe West

Posted on Jun 23, 2011 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Marilyn and I spent last week at Camp IdRaHaJe West above Paonia, CO., where we taught Creation to a Junior Camp (2nd – 6th Grade) of 56 campers, 12 counselors, and numerous other staff. IdRaHaJe stands for I’d Rather Have Jesus. It was an exciting week, where we had the blessing of being able to teach two 1 ½ hour chapels a day. The campers were very enthusiastic … they were actually running to chapel, and coming 10 to 15 minutes early! After the first chapel, some...

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Side Trip Excursion

Posted on Jun 22, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Too many times when we are on the speaking circuit, we just point the nose of the vehicle to get from point A to point B without seeing what else is around us.  This time on our way back from speaking in Las Vegas, we had an extra day to explore! We got off the interstate in Utah and took the scenic route back to Grand Junction, camped overnight, and got in a good hike. Yes, interstate highways do afford some good scenery, but there is so much more out there if we take the...

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Unknown to the Aged and Wise as well

Posted on Jun 21, 2011 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

Last week I had the opportunity to teach at the Atrium, which is a retirement community in Grand Junction, CO.  Not knowing what to expect or what I should teach,  I thought to myself, what topic would they be interested in? I decided on “Dinosaurs and the Bible,” which is almost always a favorite. I had about twenty or so people join the class.  It was a very serious group.  Some feel asleep, while others were very attentive.  After my program I opened the floor for...

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A Rose is Still a Rose

Posted on Jun 17, 2011 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

The roses around our house are now in full bloom reminding me of an article I recently read from Creation Moments –  A Rose Is Still A Rose. Man has been breeding roses for quite a long time. The Chinese began breeding roses about 4,000 years ago. Rose breeders around the world have produced over 4,000 variations of roses that vary in size, color, frequency of bloom and scent. Over 25 different scents have been developed! Walter Lammerts, a leading world authority on...

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