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Hosting an Event

AOI offers programs in a variety of formats for children, teens, adults, families, university students, etc. Our goal is to make our Discover Creation events affordable and flexible. We try to keep costs as low as possible. Often we are able to schedule more than one event per trip which allows groups to share some costs. We will work with you to design a program to fit the needs of your group. Call today for more information!

Typical Event Formats Include:

  • Sunday seminar (morning and evening)
  • Single or multi-evening event
  • Week-end seminar or retreat
  • Week-long camp, conference, or VBS
  • Homeschool programs or conferences
  • Public school, Christian school, or university programs

We Provide:

  • High quality speakers and programs (see presentation topics here)
  • Excellent selection of creation books and videos
  • Advice and assistance in setup
  • Promotional materials for you to purchase or download and print

You Provide:

  • Enthusiasm!
  • Appropriate facility
  • Leg-work in setting-up and promoting seminar
  • Printing and/or reimbursement for promotional materials
  • Tables for book & DVD sales
  • Volunteers to help with set-up, take down, book sales, and children’s program (if you schedule one)
  • Snacks for break times (if desired)
  • Lodging (quiet motel, home with adequate privacy, or RV space)
  • Meals for speakers (please check with us on dietary needs)


  • Travel expenses (actual airfare or standard mileage reimbursement)
  • Housing (as above)
  • Love offering from the attendees at the event
  • Additional honorarium to AOI (encouraged, but not required)
  • Reimbursement for bulletin inserts and posters
  • Reimbursement for craft supplies (children’s program only)

Advertising and Promotion:

Full color posters, bulletin inserts and handouts from Alpha Omega Institute provide an effective way to reach more people regarding your Discover Creation Event! Inserts are ready for you to add your church name, address and seminar information. We recommend that you print enough copies to distribute at least one per family. You may want to include bulletin inserts for several weeks before the event. Don’t forget, some companies allow you to distribute fliers to people at work, and/or allow you to place a poster in a strategic location.

  • We provide a variety of downloadable flyers, posters, and bulletin inserts. If you prefer, you may purchase preprinted promotional materials from AOI.
  • We can provide text for radio, TV, and newspaper spots.
  • We can provide announcements for FaceBook, Twitter, etc.
  • We can provide a link to a short video to use in church services etc. for promotion of the event.

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