The Discover Creation Club

If you are looking for a club or group to plug into, we have a number of options for you:


Pray with us for God to be glorified this year as we seek to serve you, the church, and the lost – so Please Pray & Join Us!!

                 Location: Alpha Omega Institute – 1011 N 10th St in GJ

                 Contact Brian Mariani – [email protected]

                 or 970-523-9943 for more information!



1. Weekly Discover Creation Training Adventure Classes

9-12 on Tues – Fri

We are relaunching this gap-year program and with that being said, we want to invite more students to join us in the mornings free-of-charge. This is a foundational/powerful training for young people to grow in their faith and to be equipped to defend what they believe – in a supportive Christian community! See more info ( about scheduled classes and to fully invest as a student!


2. “Pursuing and Defending a Confident Faith!” Class

Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Scott will be teaching a Worldviews/Apologetics class to equip people for an immersion / mission trip for next summer. We would love for anyone to join us in that starting Tues, Sept 10th. This class will be taught in person, but you will also be able to join us on Zoom!!


3. Young Adult Bible Study

Times TBD – We are looking at Tues from 5-6 pm (Zoom is possible) and possibly also a different time on Thursday morning.

There is power in God’s Word – and knowing God’s Word is vital to growing in Christ. Let’s “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2:15)


4. Discover Creation Science Club

Wednesdays from 12:30-2:30 pm, target ages 4th – 8th grade

as a fun supplemental science club to inspire and bless young people in their faith in the Creator!


5. Evangelistic Outreach

Wednesdays from 3-5 pm

Join us to do evangelistic surveys – please come with us to get into some great conversations! See for more information regarding those questions!!


6. Truth Matters College Ministry Meetings

Thursdays from 6-8pm

Homemade Dinner included!! This group is geared towards college aged students to have a place to learn, talk, discuss fascinating topics (science, religion, worldviews, etc.), eat together, and in general live life together encouraging one another in trusting Christ! We believe that there is Truth, that Truth Matters, and we are going to discuss those fun Matters of Truth!

7. Biology Class

Fridays from 12:30 – 2:30

This introduction to life sciences will study God’s Word and how His Truths are clearly seen in His World. We will discuss the complexity of life (chemistry of life, molecular biology, and genetics) and students will gain an understanding of the design of the Creator as exhibited throughout nature and will examine the evidence for and against the theory of evolution. $200/semester including lab materials, starting Sept 6 for approximately 30 weeks.


8. Occasional Field Trips

  1. Colorado National Monument – Aug 24!
  2. Dino Ridge (Morrison, CO) – Sept 12
  3. Fossil Hunting! – End of Sept?
  4.  Arches/Canyonlands
    1. We are still narrowing down on specific dates. Would you be interested in any of these dates? Oct 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, or Nov 9-10 – Potential Worship Service Together in the Park on that Sunday!
  5. Friday, Nov 8
    1. Dino Journey Museum – Morning Creation Dino Tour
    2. Colorado National Monument – Afternoon Creation Geology Tour

Contact us at 970-523-9943 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

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