The Flood Was Global!!

The Flood Was Global!!

Posted on Feb 21, 2024 in Creation Nuggets, Marianis from the Front | 0 comments

This is What People Need to Hear! When I first saw Adam’s run-down of the Biblical points and Scientific points…and why the belief in a Global Flood is important – I thought, ‘YES! This is one of the best short(ish) descriptions of why we can trust that the Flood was Global and why it really matters!!’ Maybe you are like me and have met many people who think that the Age of the Earth doesn’t matter or are okay with uncertainty on the...

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God at Work in our Lives!! – 2022

God at Work in our Lives!! – 2022

Posted on Nov 23, 2022 in Blog Posts, General News from the Front, Johnsons from the Front, Marianis from the Front, Nuttings from the Front, Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

      Dave and Mary Jo Nutting: During our seminars, we like to see eyes light up when we expose the issues of evolution and present a positive case for Creation. However, we also thrive on the relationships fostered by longer-term camps and tours. This note was from one of the participants from our Yellowstone tour:   “Thank you again so  much! Your encouragement, listening ear, attention (and patience) with our kids, your courage and passion to share...

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The Positive Case for Creation

Posted on Aug 24, 2022 in Creation Nuggets, Marianis from the Front | 0 comments

    The Positive Case for Creation: Is there evidence to show that Creation Science is true?   “When we examine the world, we find abundant positive evidence to support these claims. Here are just a few examples.”   -The Cause of the Universe -Design in Nature -Source of Morality -Young Age Indicators -Genetic data consistent with Adam and Eve -Geology supports a global flood -Human Value -Signs of the soul -Marriage and family   Which one do you...

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“Scientific evidence does not have to be interpreted. Science is science.”

“Scientific evidence does not have to be interpreted. Science is science.”

Posted on Nov 21, 2017 in Blog Posts, Marianis from the Front | 2 comments

  The above was a response (“Scientific evidence does not have to be interpreted. Science is science.”) that I received while in a debate with an evolutionist. This is how I rejoined in the debate: Crime Scene Scientists, Paleontologists, and Archaeologists along with probably every other scientist is faced with the challenges of how to best interpret the evidence. If you were a crime scene investigator, you would come into a house and observe a dead body laying on the...

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Laws of Logic – Creation Perspective

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 4 comments

  Creation Answer: Everyone uses the laws of logic, and they are evidence of the nature, design, and existence of God. Christians use the laws of logic to provide substantiation to the idea that God’s word is true, just as naturalists/evolutionists use them to argue their beliefs. God gave us the tools of logic so we can think, grow, learn, and do science. The laws of logic “are rooted in God’s own nature. Indeed, some scholars think the passage ‘In the beginning was...

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The Big Bang Theory – Creation Perspective

Posted on Sep 30, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 0 comments

  Creation Answer: Naturalists say that the universe is billions of years old, based on current observations, but this is again based on their assumptions of the current data. Creationists say that current observations show that the universe could not be billions of years old and the Bible, God’s historical record, describes the creation account only several thousand years ago. There are many things that point to a young universe, such as: the existence of comets,...

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The Big Bang Theory – Naturalistic/Evolutionary Perspective

Posted on Sep 26, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 0 comments

  Introduction: Based on current observations, the universe is expanding. “If we could watch a video recording of the history of the universe in reverse, we would see all matter in the universe collapse back to a point, not the size of a basketball, not the size of a golf ball, not even the size of a pinhead, but mathematically and logically to a point that is actually nothing (i.e., no space, no time, and no matter). In other words, once there was nothing, and then,...

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Star and Planetary Formation – Creation Perspective

Posted on Aug 12, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 2 comments

  Creation Answer: In order for stars to start forming, there must be gas clouds that can be compressed. The possibilities for compression can be: a nearby supernova (exploding star), dust grains from a supernova that cool and compress the gas cloud, colliding gas clouds, like galaxies colliding, black holes, which may emit jets of high-speed material that will compress the gas cloud, or radiation from other nearby stars may compress the gas cloud.   In each of...

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Star and Planetary Formation – Naturalistic/Evolutionary Perspective

Posted on Aug 8, 2014 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 2 comments

  Introduction: There are countless stars in the universe and with each star, there could be many planets. How do stars form? How do rocky planets form and how do gas planets form? What causes stars and planets to form? Have we observed any form? How often should a star be born? How does this evidence affect the age estimates of our universe?   Naturalistic/Evolutionary Answer: “In the Milky Way today the average annual star formation rate is ten solar masses,” but it...

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Similar Worldwide Rock Layers: What do they really tell us? Creation Perspective

Posted on Dec 27, 2013 in Marianis from the Front, The Biggest Challenges to Evolution | 4 comments

  Creation Answer: “Evolutionists and creationists agree: the ideal conditions for forming most fossils and fossil-bearing rock layers are flood conditions. The debate is just whether it was many “little floods” over a long time, or mostly the one big Flood of Noah’s time.”[i] Go out and find a piece of concrete and try bending it. This is one of the problems for old rock layers all over the world, in that hardened rock will crack and break when pushed or pulled. But...

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