“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.”
1 Peter 3:15

Students on a geology field trip led by Dave Nutting for Jackson Hole Bible College
What is the Discover Creation Training Adventure (DCTA)?
Alpha Omega Institute’s Adventure is a specialized 1-year training program designed to fortify students with a creation-based Biblical worldview with an emphasis on applied apologetics and personal discipleship. Our goal is to create a community of learners, serious about growing in their own knowledge and relationship with the Lord and defending and sharing their faith with others. It is a unique opportunity which includes a lot of practical ministry outreach and many exciting field trips. The Adventure is designed to help individuals:
- Transition from high school to college.
- Gain a “breath of fresh air” from their current college or workplace.
- Experience creation ministry and evangelism to kids, youth, and adults.
“After 35 years of personal experience teaching creation at churches and universities, I can affirm that the number one reason students give for rejecting the Gospel is evolution. The evolutionary naturalistic worldview that permeates our culture is a primary factor that ‘Christian’ students give for rejecting their faith. Students need truthful answers, supportive relationships, and practical experience to stand firmly and make a difference. They may need you to come alongside of them!” — Dave Nutting, Founder and Director, Alpha Omega Institute
Goals of DCTA
- To encourage students to think and reason so they can cement a Biblical Worldview as the foundation for their lives.
- To “fire-proof” students so they can stand firmly in their faith.
- To help already “shell-shocked” students connect their hearts and minds in faith.
- To challenge and disciple students to find their own God-directed passion and purpose.
- To provide students with practical ministry experience.
- To equip and empower students to impact classmates and others with “gentleness and reverence.“
Program Overview
- Dynamic Classroom Presentations & Non-Traditional Learning Environments
- Modular Scheduling for Flexibility
- Stimulating Discussion Forums
- Personalized Independent Study
- Exciting Field Study Trips
- Hands-on Learning Opportunities
- Focused Ministry Outreaches
- Bible Study & Discipleship
Study Topics
- Creation Science (Biology, Geology, Astronomy)
- Worldviews and Apologetics
- Biblical and Historical Studies
- Anthropology, Archaeology and Ancient Man
- Ministry Outreach and Evangelism
- Team Building and Leadership Development
- Communication Skills Development
Creation-based Field Trips:

Students on a geology field trip led by Dave Nutting for Jackson Hole Bible College
- Yellowstone, Mt. St. Helens and Pacific Northwest
- Grand Canyon and the Southwest
- Mesa Verde and Four Corners Region
- Colorado National Monument, Fossil Hunting and Other Regional Trips
- Costa Rica Ministry Outreach and Field Trip (Optional Add-on)
- Summer Ministry Opportunities (Camps, VBS, Missions, etc.) (Optional)
“My 1-year at a Bible college was a foundational experience growing in God’s Word and learning Creation Science. There is a lot of deception in our world and people need Real Answers for their faith!”
-Brian Mariani (DCTA Instructor)
Come and Learn.
Be a Disciple! Engage in Real Ministry!

Students on a geology field trip led by Dave Nutting for Jackson Hole Bible College