The Woodpecker Shouldn’t Exist!

The Woodpecker Shouldn’t Exist!

Posted by on May 5, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments


According to the laws of the theory of evolution, the woodpecker shouldn’t exist. Why? Because this bird is an example of Irreducible Complexity. Irreducible Complexity is a term coined by Michael Behe meaning a single system which is composed of several interacting parts, and where the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to cease functioning. Let me explain; The woodpecker has a fascinating tongue. One aspect of it is a glue factory at the tip that aids in the capture of bugs. Let’s imagine for a second that there is a woodpecker that catches an insect and tries to swallow it. What happens? It swallows the bug as well as its own tongue, which in turn kills it. However, this doesn’t occur, because the woodpecker also has an anti-glue factory in the beak which dissolves the glue allowing it to swallow its catch! Let’s also assume for a second that this woodpecker is in the process of evolving these factories. Logically, it won’t evolve the anti-glue factory until it discovers there is a problem with using the glue. That problem, though, is death, and as such, this bird can’t evolve anymore. Once we remove the anti-glue, the woodpecker simply can’t function. It is a part, that when removed causes the entire system to cease functioning.


(Greisen, Steve, director. Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution 1. Performance by Jobe Martin, The Incredible Design of the Woodpecker. Dr. Jobe Martin. Creation Evidence., Exploration Films, 2000, )


This Creation Nugget was written by a student volunteer – Jacob!


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Thanks Jacob!


Picture from: accessed 1/6/23.

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