Uniformitarian scientists believe in Ice Ages, but they cannot explain them!
“They realize that an ice age requires much cooler summers, much more snow, and a climate change that persists for hundreds of years.4
What would cause these factors to come together? It has been repeatedly shown that the disruption caused by the global Flood would lead naturally to this confluence.4 However, those who reject the Flood continue to extrapolate present processes millions of years into the past, processes such as climate change and variations in Earth’s orbital geometry. Over the years more than 60 theories have been proposed. Secular Ice Age expert J.K. Charlesworth said about Ice Age theories: “Pleistocene [Ice Age] phenomena have produced an absolute riot of theories ranging ‘from the remotely possible to the mutually contradictory and the palpably inadequate.’”5
That was back in 1957, however, and many people believe we have made great progress since then. However, the cause of the Ice Age still is unknown, as ice age expert David Alt stated: “Although theories abound, no one really knows what causes ice ages.””
Read more about their problems here: https://creation.com/ice-age-problems
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/photos/winter-snow-ice-age-cold-wintry-4615605/ accessed 1/6/23.