Mary Jo and I just finished doing a seminar at Grace Bible Church in Sherman, TX. The pastor of this church teaches solidly on the Biblical record of Creation, and the people are eager to increase their understanding of scientific evidence that supports the Biblical view. We enjoyed the informed and enthusiastic response, especially from the young people who are being trained to defend their faith with boldness and confidence.
It is so good to be in a church like this. I wish all churches would hold the Word of God in high esteem as this church does. Unfortunately, many do not. Sadly, many churches will not even invite us to do a creation seminar because we actually teach that you can take the Bible seriously, beginning in Genesis.
I remember a time years ago when I was asked to teach at a church where the pastor was solid, but many in his congregation were not. A couple of years later the leadership of the church asked him to step down. “Why?” he asked. Sheepishly they told him that he believed the Bible too much!
What a tragedy for that church – and for the young people in the church who were not given a firm foundation on the Word of God – because some of the leaders didn’t believe it. How many more students are sent into the world unprepared because their churches do not take a strong stand on the reliability of Scripture?
I don’t know about you, but when my turn comes to stand before the Lord, I would rather be accused of believing the Bible too much rather than try to explain to God why I didn’t believe His Word!
Dave Nutting
1 Comment
Indeed. I’d rather die believing something God told me than something that man convinced me of. I’m a big believer in creationism. I take Genesis literally. Day = Day. God spoke and it was so – instantly. Any lesser belief [truly] robs God of his majesty. It would be like describing sand blowing when God passed by Moses – when the scripture said the wind blew the rocks about! Just because we haven’t seen the wind lift boulders doesn’t mean that it hasn’t/can’t happen. We’ve just not seen God’s might first hand.