Professor What Would it Take for You to Believe?

Posted by on May 20, 2010 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

Many years ago, Mary Jo & I spent a full evening answering a professor’s arguments for evolution and presenting a solid case for creation. About midnight it dawned on us that nothing was penetrating. We asked the professor what he would accept as evidence in favor of a Creator. He replied, “Absolutely nothing!” I wished we had asked that question 5 hours earlier! 

Just recently we asked another professor the same question. His response was (rough quote from memory), “If a cube of solid bronze would suddenly appear out of thin air right in front of me, and if that cube of metal would melt and turn into a giant squid, and if that giant squid would grow wings and fly away, then I would believe.” He then added, “That is if I could convince myself I was not hallucinating.” Granted, God could certainly do that, but there will always be some excuse.

There are many good teachers who are fair, but too many teachers like the above are influencing our young people. It is rampant in elementary schools through universities. At one university, several students (including some who sadly said they “used to” attend church) were giving similar anti-God arguments. I said they must be listening to the same Professor X. One of the students came up afterwards and admitted that the professor had indeed primed them.

It irks me that schools regularly play the totally false “trump card” of “separation of church and state” to silence all opposition but still allow teachers to stomp on Christianity. Some of these teachers are purposely out to sink our kids’ faith. The “rule” which governs the classroom for “dissenters” is, “Don’t you even dare mention problems with evolution.”  If you do, you will likely lose your teaching job since you must be “religiously motivated” (as determined by some court justices).

But, aren’t those professors “religiously motivated” who promote evolution and atheism? Students with a backbone might challenge their atheistic professors by asking, “Excuse me, but aren’t you using your tax-paid salary to promote your own religion to the detriment of other beliefs and is that not a violation of the separation policy?” The professor will likely say no, he is teaching science, not religion or mythology. However, his definition of science incorporates his naturalistic worldview and excludes any evidence which points to an intelligent designer. You can also present your case to the academic dean. You may run into the same arguments, but at least you’ll make your side known.

With your help, and as God enables and opens doors, Mary Jo and I will continue speaking in the “lions’ dens” at universities and will train others to do so as well. However, the battle really begins at home. Churches and parents need to help students develop a strong backbone founded on the truth of God’s Word, understanding of the battle, and a personal walk with the Lord, starting in elementary school. Otherwise we find ourselves picking up the broken pieces of the youth at the universities.

[*Note: Not all professors push their beliefs on students. However, it is all too common. We applaud those who teach critical thinking skills and encourage students to think for themselves, while at the same time respecting the beliefs of their students.]

By Dave Nutting

(Article was also included in the May/June 2010 issue of Think & Believe newsletter.)

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