Light From Distant Stars

Posted on Mar 20, 1992 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

Opponents of a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 often state, “Given the size of the universe and the speed of light, it would take the light billions of years to reach the earth.  Therefore the universe can’t be young.  If it was, we couldn’t even see most of the stars.”  How can a young-age creationist answer this challenge? First we believe that God is powerful enough to create a universe that can be seen!  How He did this, we may never know.  Some suggest that the...

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Speed of Light Revisited

Posted on Jul 20, 1989 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

A major area of research among creationist physicists concerns the speed of light.  This has a real significance to the creation-evolution debate.  Astronomers have frequently argued that, given the known speed of light and the apparent distance of most of the stars in the universe, the universe must be extremely old, just by virtue of the fact that we can see it.  One major assumption of the argument is that the speed of light has always been a constant.  If that one...

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